Perks are passive abilities that give you an some sort of advantage. While Henry’s appearance and personality are set, you develop his character through dialogue and the skills and perks you choose. Unlike Skyrim or Fallout, where you create your own character, you play a defined character in KC:D – Henry, a blacksmith’s son. The game is also rolling out a meaty 23GB day one patch, so once you’ve hit the install button, go make a cup of tea and maybe get some fresh air. If you’re not rocking a high speed wired connection that’s an overnight download that could take up to 10 hours. If you’ve not got the physical version or haven’t already installed the game, I warn you it’s a pretty big file, weighing in at around 24GB. You might benefit from a helping hand, so here are some helpful tips to avoid ending up as a poor downtrodden serf. KC:D is a role-playing game that focuses on the grim’n’gritty realism of life in the Medieval period, which is, unsurprisingly, no picnic. Welcome to the Kingdom of Bohemia (the bit of Europe now called the Czech Republic)! Developer Warhorse Studios takes players back to the 15th century in Kingdom Come: Deliverance to live as a peasant during the war-torn Middle Ages.